Suri and Co


• Familiarity in employee interaction

• Diversion-free working

• Training the new team members

• Revamping the sales perspective

• Engaging with clients: Virtual reality meets physical presences


The Future of Metaverse on Accounting

The contemporary period symbolises the very first time that a virtual world driven by digital technology has been made available. Many professional services, such as consultancy, art, teaching, learning, and others will be done online in the future. Whether or if the metaverse would influence the professional accountants is still up in the air.

Within the next 5 to 10 years, I believe it is much too soon to expect a big influence on accounting-related enterprises. Service-based employees will have drastically different occupations in the future as a result of technological advancements compared to their current jobs. As a result, some experts feel that it will be impossible to forecast what is vital to the future, such as accountants, would do in their careers. Numerous new professional possibilities and also a change of lifestyle are made possible by the metaverse. In addition to presenting several new professional prospects, the metaverse also offers a novel means of connecting with people. Will this result in a significant increase in the market for service sectors such as accountancy and others? It should be seen.


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